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A Little History…

A few years ago, I joined a fitness club and at certain times of day, especially when fitness classes were about to begin, finding a parking space was next to impossible. It was commonplace to see parked cars taking two spaces and people backed up in line waiting for a parking space to open.

There were parking spaces available, just not accessible!

It can be frustrating and even infuriating to witness how inconsiderate some people can be when they park their car.

Anyway, … I left my share of notes on windshields. My notes were never nasty. They were polite, and I made it clear,

“Parking is at a Premium…Please be considerate of others and park between the lines.”

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Anticipating that I might be needing some more notes to place on cars, I took the time and made up a few 3×5 cards with my saying, “Parking is at a Premium…” on the front side of the card, and I placed a small diagram of what a correctly parked car looks like on the back side of the card.

I ran out of cards almost immediately, which gave me the idea of printing up a whole bunch of attractive, easy to use “Parking Tickets”.

Thus began our small family business at!

The Parking Ticket has evolved into our most popular version being used today. It’s a polite, attractive, easy to use, way of venting your frustrations and pointing out to those who find it a “challenge”, when parking their car, that they are being watched. is there for you. You can do your “good deed for the day” and help some errant car parker on the road to recovery, and…it makes a great gift idea for anyone who drives a car.

Please Pay it Forward and…Have a Nice Day!